Your permission to celebrate

Readtime: 3 minutes

Celebration at work isn’t a luxury.

It’s not a perk.

It’s a game-changer for professional success.

If used right, it can transform your workplace culture, turbocharge performance, and boost well-being.

In today’s newsletter, we’re going to explore the fascinating science behind why celebrating achievements – big and small – can:

  • Supercharge performance

  • Strengthen bonds among your team

  • Boost overall workplace happiness

Ready to unlock the power of celebration?

Let’s dive in.

The Science of Celebration

Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson explains that when we celebrate, our brains flood with dopamine – the “feel-good” chemical.

This isn’t just a fleeting moment of happiness. Dopamine locks in the sense of achievement, making us associate hard work with reward. This creates a virtuous cycle where we want to keep performing better.

Even better? By regularly celebrating, we engage in something Hanson calls self-directed neuroplasticity – basically, rewiring our brains to be more attuned to positivity and resilience.

In short, when we celebrate, we don’t just feel good – we’re actually making our brains better at staying positive and motivated over time.

And guess what? It helps with learning and memory too, hardwiring those successes into our neural pathways. That’s why we remember the good times.

Why Celebrate?

Here’s why tapping into the science of celebration is a good idea:

  1.  Reinforces Positive Behaviour
    Celebration reinforces the actions that led to success. It sends a clear signal to the brain: "Do this again!". Over time, this builds a culture of continuous improvement – people keep leveling up because they see their efforts recognised and rewarded.

  2. Builds Team Cohesion
    Celebrations bring people together. Whether it’s a quick shout-out in a meeting or an informal lunch, these moments create a shared experience that creates belonging. In remote or hybrid settings, where connection is fragile, these shared moments can be game-changing.

  3. Boosts Motivation and Engagement
    Celebrating success reminds employees why their work matters. A Gallup study found that employees who feel engaged are 21% more productive and show higher levels of loyalty. Celebration is one of the simplest, yet most effective ways to keep motivation levels sky-high.

  4. Enhances Well-being
    Celebrating at work offers a mental reset – a break from the grind. Studies show that moments of joy reduce stress, making employees healthier and more productive.

The Hidden Benefits of Celebration

Celebration also brings unexpected benefits:

  • Fuels Innovation: Celebrating smaller wins and ideas encourages people to take risks and think creatively. When effort, rather than just end results, is recognised, employees feel empowered to experiment and innovate without fear of failure.

  • Strengthens Culture: Frequent celebrations help reinforce the shared values and mission of your organisation, making everyone feel aligned and part of something bigger.

  • Attracts and Retains Talent: A workplace that values recognition is one that employees want to stay in – and that new talent wants to join.

How to Celebrate Effectively

Here’s how to make sure your celebrations hit the mark:

  1. Personalise It
    Tailor celebrations to resonate with the individual or team. A simple but thoughtful note or public acknowledgment in a meeting can have a huge impact when done right. Or choosing a particular restaurant that you know a team member will love.

  2. Celebrate the Small Stuff
    Waiting for the big milestones? Don’t. Regularly celebrating incremental wins helps keep momentum and morale high.

  3. Inclusive Celebrations
    Ensure celebrations are inclusive and consider different preferences. Creating a culture where everyone feels valued is key to building a strong, diverse team.

In Summary

Congratulations, you’re now equipped to make celebration a core part of your work culture!

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Celebrations reinforce positive behaviors and drive continuous improvement.

  2. They build team cohesion and boost motivation, increasing engagement and well-being.

  3. Celebrating nurtures innovation, strengthens culture, and helps retain and attract top talent

On A Personal Note

I did a LOT of celebrating with my teams when I was at KPMG. We all worked hard and there was nearly always something to celebrate.

Sometimes that was just specifically calling something out that the team or an individual had done well.

Sometimes (often) it was drinks.

Sometimes it was cakes for the team.

Sometimes it was an informal team lunch.

Sometimes it was a fancy dinner.

Sometimes it was dragonboat racing.

Sometimes it was a departmental away day.

Sometimes it was a black-tie ball.

Sometimes it involved me dressing up as Santa Claus.

And various others that I’ve long forgotton…

No matter the form, these moments strengthened our teams and helped to keep us excited for the next challenge.

One Quote To Get You Going

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
— Oprah Winfrey

Celebrating with your team is just one way to show your appreciation.

Most teams could benefit from a highly effective culture of appreciation. My new two-part Masterclass ‘Appreciation at Work’ gets you this.

Book a 20 minute call here to see if it’s right for your team.


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