The five easy ways to build trust

Readtime: 2 minutes

Trust is much easier to build than everyone says.

We often think trust is built slowly over time through consistent small actions.

While this is true, there are also powerful one-off actions that can quickly build trust.

In this article, I’ll share the five most impactful actions that you can take to instantly build trust with others.

These actions are powerful because they break the routine and demonstrate your values and character in a clear, unmistakable way.

They shift perceptions quickly.

Let’s dive in.

1. Admit mistakes

One of the fastest ways to build trust is to openly admit when you’ve made a mistake.

This shows humility and honesty.

When you acknowledge your errors and take responsibility, you demonstrate that you value truth over your ego.

This builds credibility and shows others that you are trustworthy.

2. Challenge unfairness

Standing up against unfairness helps to create an inclusive workplace.

You can address biases, unequal treatment, or unethical behaviour.

By challenging in these areas, you not only support those affected but you also demonstrate your values.

Your courage builds respect and trust.

And it also encourages others to do the same.

3. Go out of your way to help

Offering help when someone is in a tough spot is a great way to build trust.

This could mean staying late to help a colleague meet a deadline or stepping in to handle a crisis.

Going above and beyond for someone in moments of need shows that you care about them.

Which makes them trust you.

4. Share personal stories

Sharing a personal story, especially one that shows vulnerability, can build a deep connection and trust.

When you open up about your experiences, challenges, and lessons learned, it humanises you.

Your authenticity fosters trust.

And it helps others relate to you on a deeper level.

5. Stand up for someone

Publicly standing up for a someone when they are being unfairly criticised or treated can significantly boost trust.

This shows that you are willing to protect and support others, even when it might be risky.

By defending someone, you demonstrate that you value fairness and are committed to a respectful and supportive environment.

People remember you doing this (and not only the person you were standing up for).

This builds your reputation as a trusted ally.

In summary

Congratulations, you now know the five easy ways to quickly build trust:

  1. Admit a mistake openly.

  2. Challenge unfairness.

  3. Go out of your way to help.

  4. Share personal stories.

  5. Stand up for someone.

On a personal note

When I was a partner at KPMG, I built trust by being honest about some of the situations we were facing as a business.

When we were facing challenges, I didn’t pretend that everything was ok.

When were implementing something that wasn’t going to be great for everyone, I acknowledged that.

People told me that this gave them confidence that I understood their situation, which built their trust in me.

One quote to get you going

Trust is like the air we breathe – when it’s present, nobody really notices; when it’s absent, everybody notices.
— Warren Buffett

What’s your take on this? Let us know on LinkedIn.

P.S. Ready to take the next step? Here’s how I can help:

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